Smart Speakers Bureau, while not as widely known as some of the larger international bureaus, has carved out a respectable niche in the speaking industry. The boutique agency has built a reputation for providing carefully selected, high-quality speakers to a diverse range of clients.

A top strength is its curated roster of speakers. Rather than aiming for quantity, Smart focuses on quality, representing a select group of professionals including business leaders, innovators, subject matter experts, and thought leaders across various fields. The approach allows them to cater to specific client needs, whether it’s a corporate event, academic conference, or industry seminar. Its catalogue covers a range of relevant topics, from leadership and technology to sustainability and future trends.

The quality of speakers on Smart’s list is generally high. All manner of represented talents have impressive credentials and proven track records of delivering engaging and insightful presentations. Smart seems to prioritize speakers who not only have expertise but also the ability to connect with audiences and provide actionable, forward-thinking insights.

The talent agent’s website is clean and functional, if not overly sophisticated. It allows clients to browse speakers by category or topic, though the search functionality could be more robust. Each speaker’s profile provides information about their background, areas of expertise, and speaking topics. While more detailed information and media samples would be beneficial, the site generally provides enough information for initial speaker selection.

Customer service at Smart is reported to be a strong point. Their team is known for being responsive, attentive, and personalized in their approach. They collaborate with partners to understand specific needs and objectives, offering tailored recommendations and handling the booking process efficiently. The bureau’s smaller size often translates to more personalized attention for each client.

Pricing at Smart Speakers Bureau is generally competitive within the industry. While they may not have the bargaining power of larger bureaus for top-tier speakers, their fees are often more accessible for mid-range events and organizations. They’re known for their transparency in pricing and willingness to work with clients to find speakers that fit within budget constraints.

An area where Smart could improve is in their international reach. Their strongest offerings tend to be regionally focused, which may limit options for clients looking for more global perspectives.

Smart has made efforts to adapt to the increasing demand for virtual speaking engagements, offering options for online events. Again, however, this is an area where they could potentially expand their services further.

But let’s be clear: Smart Speakers Bureau provides a solid service to event planners and organizations seeking professional speakers. While they may not have the extensive roster or global reach of some larger bureaus, their focus on quality speakers, personalized service, and competitive pricing makes them a viable option, particularly for those seeking fresh, innovative voices.

For organizations looking for carefully selected speakers without the premium prices of top-tier bureaus, Smart Speakers Bureau is a top choice. The talent agency’s curated approach and attention to client needs suggest they can be a valuable partner in finding the right speaker to elevate an event, especially for those seeking cutting-edge insights and emerging thought leaders.

Score: A – highly recommended.