The financial services sector underpins global economic progress but finds itself pressed by technology innovators, demanding customers and risks from climate change. A growing range of consequential trends will unfold between now and 2025 shaping the competitive landscape.
Open Finance & Banking Scales Open banking allowing consumers to share their financial data securely with trusted third parties for value-added insights and services saw initial pilots globally. New open finance regulations extend open data availability beyond banking across investment and insurance holdings as well delivering budget dashboards and holistic advice. Majority customer adoption will hit within two years.
Mainstreaming of Embedded Finance Invisible banking where financial services integrate seamlessly into daily workflows experienced fast early growth across sectors like retail and mobility. AI-powered contextual offers will prosper as data aggregators, applications and infrastructure mature allowing anti-money laundering controls to responsibly scale access opportunities through embedded “Banking-as-a-Service” come 2025.
Accelerated Blockchain & Crypto Adoption
Underpinning cryptocurrency and Smart Contracts, blockchain technology began to standardize in 2023 through enterprise consortiums simplifying decentralized transactions. As Web 3.0 protocols stabilize allowing smoother value transfers and verifications, majority penetration into existing financial processes spanning payments, identity and contracts will follow over the subsequent 24 months.
Fintech Upstarts Redefine Engagement Challenger neobanks lacking costly branch networks found initial millennials clients seeking mobile-first experiences. Within the next year or two, segmented offerings around verticals like sustainability investing or small business cash flow solve specific needs better than one-size-fits all incumbents. Fintechs thus redefine engagement capturing 20% of customers across regions and products.
Rise of AI-Driven Decisioning Chatbots helped banks handle basic inquiries amid early pandemic surges indicating the potential for artificial intelligence. Extending capabilities across credit adjudication, predictive sales triggers and fraud pattern detection will permeate bankers’ daily processes come 2025 though transparency and explainability guards combat underlying algorithm bias prone to emerge at scale.
Mandatory Climate Risk Reporting Advances Financial organizations control capital allocation steering corporate transitions impacting global emission targets. Central bank guidance evolved slowly since 2020 toward climate transparency. But in the weeks and months ahead, made urgent by recurring disasters, G20 regulators will cooperate mandating climate risk exposure disclosure and stress testing obligations for institutions driving sustainability.
Digital Money Competition Heats Up
As cash and checks fade, technology giants and governments both introduced digital money products combating traditional payments share. Between consumer-facing wallets like Apple Cash and trailblazing retail Central Bank Digital Currency pilots, major programs launch allowing convenient direct account access and programmable money by 2025 poised to disrupt existing intermediaries.
Talent Strategy Rethink Emerge
Growing skills imbalance plagues employers striving for digital dexterity. In tomorrow’s market, competitive pressures will force widening talent pools beyond industry veterans to include adjacent specialists, gig partners and crowdsourced data scientists while reskilling initiatives, experiential development, internal talent markets evolve operating models.