Take it from a cybersecurity keynote speaker: The use of ransomware skyrocketed throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, and criminals are increasingly teaming up and working together to deliver more coordinated and sophisticated attacks. As if that’s not intimidating enough: At the same time, threat actors are increasingly exploiting various forms of digital dangers (e.g. malware, spam, and adware) as a trojan horse to distribute and deliver ransomware in myriad forms… creating a growing security crisis. As we cybersecurity keynote speakers therefore also like to remind, successfully fend off rising digital dangers, companies – just like criminals, who are now creating ransomware playbooks and strategies for others to copy and follow – will have no choice but adapt and innovate.
This means increasingly having to use a host of different AI-powered tools to more effectively anticipate, monitor, and address potential points of failure… and safeguard operations against an evolving cyberthreat landscape at every turn. Going forward in coming years, ransomware will become the province of even less-skilled or well-funded attackers. Mounting a defense at enterprise scale requires you to stay even more well-attuned to what’s happening on your apps, systems and networks – and be more flexible and agile when it comes to pouncing on potential high-tech concerns, even if they’ve typically been those that organizations have traditionally dismissed as insignificant in the past.
A few questions that your organization should already be asking itself include:
- How are ransomware threats continuing to grow and evolve in 2022 and beyond – and what must corporate leaders be aware of to successfully defend against them?
- Threat actors are becoming more sophisticated in their attacks, and increasingly finding ways to outsource, partner, and mount digital assaults at unprecedented scale – what will it take to fend off these challenges going forward?
- Why is it critically important to mount a more comprehensive cybersecurity defense as a business, and no longer dismiss even seemingly minor warning signals out of hand?
- As a business leader, how can you make sure that you’ve covered all of your security bases in an age of digital transformation where potential digital attack surfaces are only growing?
- What steps should your organization be taking to make sure it’s better defended on all digital and online fronts?
- How can artificial intelligence make a massive difference and impact on your enterprise’s ability to halt digital dangers in their tracks?
- Why will it be growingly important going forward to offload many cybersecurity tasks to AI and automation?
- Some of the most interesting trends or pressing concerns that you see emerging in the security space in 2022 and the years to come include…?
- What’s the big theme going forward for ransomware and cybersecurity? And what defense strategies are companies going to need to offer in response?