An arbitration expert witness consultant would know that when complex legal disputes arise, an arbitrator’s services are often used as an alternative to litigation to resolve the matter. In such cases, it’s not uncommon for leading authorities and arbitration expert witness providers to be called upon to provide authoritative, impartial analysis and opinions to the arbitrator(s). These highly knowledgeable professionals can opine on a wide range of topics, e.g. on the below areas where their expertise is often sought.

  1. Financial and Economic Analyses – Matters involving complex financial transactions, economic damages, business valuations, and related issues require the testimony of financial experts. Authorities with backgrounds in accounting, economics, and finance are positioned to assess the data and calculate potential losses or damages.
  2. Construction Defects and Delays – For construction cases, arbitration expert witness partners well-versed in areas like architecture, engineering, project management, and construction methods and materials can evaluate alleged defects in workmanship or design flaws. Analyses can determine causation for delays and cost overruns.
  3. Intellectual Property – When innovations or creative works are the subject of a legal dispute, IP experts in fields like patents, copyrights, trademarks, and trade secrets may be engaged. Assessments can be crucial for resolving infringement claims, determining damages, and other IP issues.
  4. Technology – The fast pace of technological change means an arbitration expert witness in fields like computer science, telecommunications, and electronics would be in high demand. Input is helpful for matters involving software, networks, devices, and any other advanced technologies.
  5. Environmental and Energy – For arbitrations concerning environmental regulations, pollution, green energy projects, and related areas, consultants specializing in environmental science, engineering, health and safety, and energy production can provide indispensable technical analysis.
  6. Healthcare – Cases involving claims of medical malpractice, personal injuries, healthcare business disputes, and other medical-related matters often require testimony from arbitration expert witness service leaders like healthcare practitioners, life sciences researchers, and other clinicians and scientists with appropriate expertise.
  7. Professional Negligence and Ethics – For alleged ethics breaches or professional negligence claims against lawyers, accountants, architects, and other licensed professionals, industry-specific pros can opine on whether the applicable standard of care was violated.


All give a sense of the diverse range of topics that an arbitration expert witness gets called upon to address during arbitrator’s proceedings, allowing those tasked with rendering a fair, well-reasoned decision to do so.