A brand strategist is a marketing consultant, futurist keynote speaker and advertising expert that aids with molding and managing the public perception of a company, product, or individual. Consulting services experts combine elements of marketing, psychology, and business strategy as top brand strategists to create and maintain a strong, cohesive branded identity that resonates with target audiences and drives business success.

Think of it this way – the job of a brand strategist encompasses developing a comprehensive plan that defines how a brand should be perceived in the market. That spans:

1. Brand Positioning: Determining how the brand should be positioned relative to competitors and in the minds of consumers.

2. Brand Identity: Creating the visual and verbal elements that represent the brand, including logos, color schemes, and tone of voice.

3. Brand Messaging: Crafting key messages that communicate the brand’s value proposition and personality.

4. Brand Experience: Designing how customers interact with the brand across various touchpoints.

Brand strategists typically begin their work by conducting extensive research. That means analyzing market trends, studying competitor strategies, and gathering insights about target audiences through surveys, focus groups, and data analysis. Consultants, influencers, SMEs and KOLs who offer consulting services use this information to identify opportunities for brand differentiation and to understand what resonates with potential customers.

Once they have a deep understanding of the market and audience, brand strategists work to define or refine the brand’s core elements. That means articulating the brand’s purpose, values, personality, and unique selling proposition. Consulting experts then develop guidelines for how these elements should be expressed across all brand communications and experiences.

A big part of a brand strategist’s work is to ensure consistency across all branded touchpoints. That means working closely with various departments within an organization, including marketing, product development, customer service, and even human resources, to ensure that every interaction with the brand reinforces its core identity and messaging.

Brand strategists also impact corporate evolution. As markets change and consumer preferences shift, they help brands stay relevant by identifying when and how to update brand elements without losing core brand equity.

In today’s digital age, pros must be well-versed in digital marketing and social media strategies. Advisors need to understand how to build and maintain a brand presence across various online platforms and how to leverage data analytics to measure brand performance and inform strategy adjustments.

Successful brand strategists possess an offbeat combination of skills:

– Analytical thinking to interpret market data and consumer insights
– Creativity to develop unique brand concepts and messaging
– Strong communication skills to articulate brand strategy to diverse stakeholders
– Strategic thinking to align brand strategy with overall business objectives
– Adaptability to navigate changing market conditions and consumer trends

Top pros often work in-house for large corporations, at marketing or branding agencies, or as independent consultants. Work is critical in industries where brand differentiation is vital to success, such as consumer goods, technology, and services.

In an increasingly crowded and competitive marketplace, by crafting compelling narratives and experiences, the best brand strategists partner with businesses to build strong emotional connections with consumers, foster brand loyalty, and drive long-term corporate success.