Agriculture technology, or AgTech, is on the rise as the world’s population grows and the demand for food increases. As you might imagine, given new advancements in technology, agriculture has become more efficient, sustainable, and productive than ever. Wondering what the future of agriculture technology will specifically hold, though? Here’s what you can expect going forward.

One item to be aware of: Precision agriculture is a growing trend that is set to revolutionize the way farmers work. Precision agriculture uses technology such as GPS and drones to gather data on crops and soil conditions. This data is then used to make informed decisions about planting, fertilizing, and harvesting. By using this process, farmers can optimize their yields, reduce waste, and conserve resources.

That said, robotics is another area of AgTech that is poised for explosive growth. Robots are already being used for tasks such as planting, weeding, and harvesting. As the technology improves, robots will become more sophisticated and capable of performing a wider range of tasks. This will reduce the need for manual labor and make farming more efficient and cost-effective.

No surprises here, either: Gene editing and biotechnology are expected to play an increasingly important role in agriculture in the months and years to come. Gene editing allows scientists to make precise changes to the DNA of plants and animals, which can improve their resilience, yield, and nutritional value.

Biotechnology can also be used to create new crops that are resistant to pests and diseases, reducing the need for pesticides and other harmful chemicals.

Vertical farming is also set to transform the way we produce food. Vertical farms use stacked layers of crops grown in controlled environments, such as warehouses or shipping containers. This method of farming requires less water and land than traditional agriculture, and it allows crops to be grown year-round in any location. As cities continue to grow and available farmland becomes scarce, vertical farming may become a more practical solution for feeding urban populations.

Like in many other industries artificial intelligence and machine learning are set to revolutionize agriculture by providing farmers with real-time data and insights too. AI can be used to analyze vast amounts of data on weather, soil conditions, and crop health, enabling farmers to make more informed decisions about planting, harvesting, and crop management. Machine learning algorithms can likewise also be used to predict crop yields and detect potential issues before they become a problem.

Curiously, blockchain technology is also anticipated to play a greater role in the future of agriculture by providing greater transparency and traceability in the food supply chain. Blockchain tools can be used to track the journey of food from farm to table, ensuring that it is produced sustainably and ethically. This can give consumers greater confidence in the food they are eating, while also providing farmers with a way to demonstrate the quality of their products.