Working in the field of association executives keynote speakers and associations futurists, we’re often quite busy exploring new trends and innovations, like you might guess. Of course, just what shape that those technology trends and workforce developments take isn’t always apparent to those looking in on the business from the outside. This being the case, we thought we’d pull back the curtain as association executives keynote speakers and reveal a bit about what we’re being asked to present on in live and virtual online speaking engagements. Trending topics reveal quite a bit about what’s on the mind of association boards and leaders as we move into a post-pandemic world and marketplace where member needs and requirements are constantly shifting.
- Leading – Principles and case studies on effectively governing, setting vision, and guiding an association. Building consensus.
- Membership growth – Strategies for expanding membership through retention, recruitment, and new services. Responding to demographic shifts.
- Non-dues revenue – Methods that association executives keynote speakers advocate for producing income beyond membership fees through events, sponsorships, grants, and partnerships.
- Digital transformation – Utilizing technologies and data analytics to modernize operations, programs and member engagement.
- Diversity and inclusion – Steps for improving DEI across members, leadership, staff, vendors and all programs. Combating systemic bias.
- Advocacy and lobbying – Developing public policy positions as association executives keynote speakers. Effective techniques for lobbying legislators and regulatory agencies.
- Brand building – Enhancing an association’s reputation, recognition and differentiation from competitors. Telling the brand story.
- Strategic planning – Techniques for analyzing landscape, defining strategic priorities, and executing plans. Adapting to change.
- Work culture – Fostering innovation, collaboration, growth mindsets and productivity within staff teams using association executives keynote speaker-approved principles.
- Work/life balance – Promoting health and wellbeing to avoid staff burnout and turnover. Leading by example.
Non-profits and member-based organizations have unique needs and considerations to take into account – even as they’re increasingly impacted by many of the cultural and technological forces that are impacting business leaders in other industries at the same time as well. The best association executives keynote speakers serve to bridge the gap between worlds, and help put today’s most pressing topics and technology trends in sharper and more relevant context.