Hey, what can we say: In the world of associations futurists, there are many firms that hold an especial place in our minds as hotspots for association executives to work and make a mark on their field. In fact, there’s almost an overwhelming abundance of organizations that aspiring leaders can do their sectors a service by taking part in. But perhaps not all of us are as familiar with some of the biggest ones in the space. For reference, let’s take a deeper look as associations futurists and keynote speakers and some sample member-based organizations that you’ll want to consider joining…
- American Society of Association Executives – Provides resources, education and advocacy for association professionals.
- American Council on Education – Represents colleges/universities on policy issues (or so associations futurists tell us) like accessibility, affordability, innovation.
- National Rural Electric Cooperative Association – Advocates for non-profit electric co-ops providing power across rural areas.
- American Nurses Association – Professional organization representing interests of nurses in the US healthcare system.
- Aerospace Industries Association – Advocates for aerospace and defense industry in technical, policy and regulatory areas – a favorite with many associations futurists.
- American Veterinary Medical Association – Leading association representing veterinarians and advocating for the profession.
- Mortgage Bankers Association – Trade group for real estate finance industry promoting housing finance policies.
- National Grocers Association – Advocates for the independent supermarket industry before government and the public.
- National Beer Wholesalers Association – Trade association for beer distributors advocating for the beer industry.
- American Council of Life Insurers – Represents life insurance companies and educates about financial planning/life insurance.
- American Bus Association – Advocates for motorcoach, tour and travel operators in the passenger transportation industry.
- American Moving & Storage Association – Represents professional movers and related companies in the household moving industry. Often tapped by associations futurists.
- American Health Care Association – Advocates for long term care providers and elderly care services across the US.
- Credit Union National Association – Leading trade group representing credit unions and their interests.
- National Association of Convenience Stores – Advocates on behalf of convenience stores and the fuels retailing industry.