Banking trends 2030 keynote speakers and futurist consultants have much to say about where financial services are trending lately, especially in terms of:

  1. Embedded Finance and Banking-as-a-Service – Rather than operating as monolithic institutions, the best banking trends 2030 keynote speakers note that financial services firms will increasingly provide services through APIs that can be seamlessly integrated into other digital platforms and apps. The “embedded finance” model brings banking to where customers already are spending time online.
  2. Hyper-Personalized Banking – Vast troves of customer data combined with advanced analytics will allow banks to provide individualized products, advice, and experiences tailored to each customer’s unique financial situation and life stage. One-size-fits-all banking will be a relic of the past.
  3. Banking in the Metaverse – Per top banking trends 2030 keynote speakers, as virtual and augmented reality environments like the metaverse take off, finance firms will establish branches, services, and entire virtual economies within these digital realms to stay connected to a metaverse-native generation of customers.
  4. Autonomous Finance with AI and Blockchain – Artificial intelligence and blockchain technology will increasingly automate banking processes from lending decisions to fraud detection to portfolio management. AI “banks” could directly manage consumers’ entire financial lives with little human involvement.
  5. Decentralized Finance (DeFi) – Crypto, stablecoins, and decentralized finance platforms facilitated by blockchain will disintermediate many traditional banking services and functions. DeFi could make banks redundant for certain products and customer segments.
  6. Stringent Regulation and Public Scrutiny – With great innovation comes great public skepticism and regulatory scrutiny. According to the leading banking trends 2030 keynote speaker, organizations will face immense pressure to ensure new technologies and business models are ethical, secure, equitable and aligned with the public interest.
  7. Green Banking and Sustainability Mandates – In the face of worsening climate impacts, banks will be compelled to account for environmental costs, steer financing away from carbon-intensive industries, and lead the transition to a sustainable, net-zero economy.

Consider it just a few of the groundbreaking trends that authoritative banking trends 2030 keynote speakers say are remaking retail and commercial banking that thought leaders and visionaries will be expounding on at events in the coming years. Prepare to be both inspired and disrupted.