Biometrics are unique physical or behavioral characteristics used to digitally identify individuals and authenticate their access to systems or services. As identifiers, biometrics are more reliable than passwords or tokens which can be forgotten, stolen or duplicated.

Standard variety and typical biometric modalities are…

Fingerprint Scanning: Fingerprint patterns offer unequivocal proof of identity making fingerprint recognition the most ubiquitous biometric technology for access control. Database matching validates identities.

Facial Recognition: Facial features provide reasonably accurate identification. Cameras capture images that are geometrically analyzed by software check against stored templates for authentication.

Iris Scanning: With even identical twins having distinct iris patterns, iris recognition examines the colored ring around pupils using near-infrared illumination and specialized cameras.

Voice Authentication: Based on the premise that every person has a distinct tone and frequency of voice, vocal analysis serves for verification especially in telephony customer service applications through passphrases.

Vascular Recognition: The vein patterns on individuals’ palms and fingers provide unique biometric data for extremely secure applications like financial transactions and sensitive data access authorization.

Behavioral biometrics like gait analysis, signature recognition and keyboard stroke dynamics also show reliability for continuous verification through pattern studies rather than one-time identification checks.

To enable biometric systems, user data is acquired through dedicated scanners first to create biometric templates. Then live samples are matched to stored references for 1:1 verification or checked against databases for 1:many identification along with liveness checks. System interoperability standards allow wider deployments.

With biometrics directly associated with users physical or behavioral traits rather than memorized secrets or possessed tokens, they enable irrefutable identity confirmation in society and commerce. Advanced multi-modal implementations further elevate accuracy, universality and preventing spoofing.