Black Friday experts, spokespersons, social media influencers, key opinion leaders and SMEs come in all shapes and forms. As the date has evolved into a major shopping event, various organizations seek out thought leaders to provide commentary. Leading advisors provide helpful insights, predictions, and advice as top Black Friday experts to both consumers and businesses. The types of thought leaders hired for the job typically come from a wide range backgrounds, each bringing fresh perspectives to the retail and eCommerce phenomenon.

Retail Industry Veterans: Former executives or managers from major retail chains are often sought after as Black Friday experts. Insider knowledge of retail operations, pricing strategies, and inventory management makes them invaluable in predicting trends and explaining the rationale behind certain deals or promotions.

Consumer Behavior Analysts: Academics or researchers specializing in consumer psychology and behavior are frequently tapped as advisors. Consultants bring insights into shopping motivations, decision-making processes, and the psychological tactics retailers use to attract customers during this high-pressure shopping period.

Technology and eCommerce Specialists: With the growing importance of online shopping, advisors on eCommerce platforms, mobile shopping trends, social shopping, and digital marketing strategies are increasingly in demand. Each provides commentary on the shift from traditional in-store experiences to online and omnichannel approaches.

Personal Finance Advisors: Financial experts who can guide consumers on budgeting, smart spending, and avoiding debt during the season are popular choices as top Black Friday experts. Spokespersons provide practical advice on how to take advantage of deals without overspending.

Market Research Analysts: Professionals who track retail trends, analyze sales data, and forecast market movements are valuable as commentators too, offering data-driven predictions about popular products, pricing trends, and overall consumer spending patterns.

Supply Chain and Logistics Experts: With recent global supply chain disruptions, SMEs in this field have become increasingly relevant. Commenters talk about product availability, shipping delays, and how these factors might impact Black Friday deals and strategies.

Cyber Security Specialists: As online shopping continues to grow, thought leaders on digital security are often called upon to advise on safe online shopping practices and to comment on potential cyber threats during the Black Friday period.

Sustainability and Ethical Consumption Advocates: With growing consumer interest in sustainable and ethical shopping, thought leaders in this area are increasingly sought after. The best Black Friday experts provide perspectives on eco-friendly products, ethical labor practices, and alternatives to mass consumption.

Social Media Influencers: While not traditional experts, influential bloggers, vloggers, and social media personalities who focus on shopping, deals, and product reviews are often hired as Black Friday experts. Large followings and an ability to sway consumer opinion make them attractive to media outlets and businesses alike.

The ideal Black Friday experts often combine elements from several of these categories, offering a well-rounded perspective on the complex interplay of commerce, technology, and consumer behavior that defines this shopping event. As the shopping date grows in prominence, so too does the profile of the KOLs called upon to analyze and explain its significance in the retail calendar.