Business model innovation consulting is a strategic and management consultancy service that helps organizations re-imagine and restructure the fundamental ways they create, deliver, and capture value. As a practice, it goes past traditional strategy or operational consulting by focusing on transforming the entire business model innovation pipeline to drive growth, competitiveness, and sustainability in rapidly changing markets.

Leading Components

Business model innovation consultants typically focus on several areas:

1. Value Proposition: Redefining what the company offers to customers and why customers should choose their products or services.

2. Customer Segments: Identifying new or underserved markets and tailoring offerings to meet their specific needs.

3. Revenue Streams: Exploring innovative ways to monetize products or services, such as subscription models or dynamic pricing.

4. Cost Structure: Analyzing and optimizing the company’s cost base to improve profitability and competitiveness.

5. Resources and Activities: Identifying and developing the critical capabilities and processes needed to support the new business model.

6. Partnerships: Exploring strategic alliances or ecosystem partnerships as business model innovation consulting leaders that can enhance the value proposition or extend market reach.


To providers typically employ a structured approach:

1. Analysis: Assessing the current business model, market trends, and competitive landscape.

2. Ideation: Generating innovative ideas for new business models or components.

3. Prototyping: Developing and testing small-scale versions of new business model concepts.

4. Implementation: Guiding the organization through the process of adopting and scaling the new business model.

5. Iteration: Continuously refining the model based on market feedback and performance data.

Benefits of Business Model Innovation Consulting

1. Fresh Perspective: Consultants bring an outside view, challenging ingrained assumptions and identifying blind spots.

2. Expertise: Futurists and consulting services providers bring specialized knowledge of various business models across industries and how to apply them effectively.

3. Risk Mitigation: By using proven methodologies and drawing on past experiences, consultants can help reduce the risks associated with major business model changes.

4. Accelerated Innovation: Management consultancy advisors speed up the innovation process, helping companies stay ahead of market changes and competition.

5. Organizational Alignment: Experts align different departments and stakeholders around the new business model vision.

Concerns and Considerations

While powerful, business model innovation can be disruptive and challenging:

1. Resistance to Change: Established organizations may struggle with the cultural shifts required for significant business model changes.

2. Implementation Complexity: Transitioning to a new business model often involves complex operational and strategic changes.

3. Short-term Disruption: The process may temporarily disrupt existing revenue streams or customer relationships.

4. Investment Requirements: Significant resources may be needed to implement and scale new business models.

Like we often remind, the practice basically offers organizations a structured approach to fundamentally rethink how they create and deliver value. Challenging assumptions, exploring new possibilities, and guiding implementation, consultants help companies adapt to changing market conditions and position themselves for long-term success.