
Topic: How to Stand Out in a Crowded MarketScenario: Customers’ attention spans are shorter than ever, even as they’re increasingly being split between different devices and channels – and marketed to more often than at any point in history. Every business (even those operating in...

Topic: Marketing on a Shoestring Budget Scenario: Today’s competitive landscape is more crowded than ever, making it harder to stand out, let alone capture and hold customers’ interest. But in the wake of the pandemic and the recession which followed, many businesses are strapped for marketing...

Topic: Mastering Innovation: How to Make Your Company More Flexible and ResponsiveScenario: Successful business doesn’t necessarily have more cutting-edge solutions, better resources, or more manpower – rather, they’re more resourceful, capable, and resilient. Implementing a number of flexible business strategies and technology solutions can help...

Topic: Customer Experience and Design Essentials: Rethinking the Customer JourneyScenario: Executive leaders are often great about coming up with business ideas, but struggle to implement them in user-friendly fashion – by being clear and up-front about value propositions and features, removing friction and action steps...

Like we frequently touch on in keynote speeches and training workshops, innovation is often simpler than it seems. For example, say you’re a real estate firm hoping to compete in one of today’s most competitive and crowded markets - how would you go about standing...

Serving as travel keynote speakers and futurists on hospitality, we often talk about new leadership, innovation, and business trends coming to the industry. But in addition, we're also frequently asked to weigh in with expert hints, tips, and advice on how to make the most...