
Give Your Office a Green Makeover - Looking for simple, actionable, everyday ways you can go greener at work, and give your workspace an environmentally-conscious makeover? From encouraging employees to make greener commutes to switching to more energy-efficient lighting/heating/cooling and paperless solutions or purchasing more...

Which business and technology trends will most define 2022 and the coming months ahead?   The answers may surprise you. As futurist keynote speakers and strategic advisers to over 1000 brands, we've sorted through hundreds of emerging developments to bring you a sneak peek at today's hottest...

Being digital transformation keynote speakers and technology futurists, we're often asked to weigh in on high-tech strategy. Determining how to most effectively set your organization up to innovate, accelerate, and operate successfully in the new normal starts by asking yourself some key questions. As it...

FutureProof Strategies is honored to announce that futurist keynote speaker and strategic adviser to over 1000 brands Scott Steinberg has been named by Consulting® magazine to its list of Top 25 Consultants for Excellence in Leadership.Awarded to the industry’s most impactful and influential consultants, he...