A Certified Speaking Professional (CSP) is a speaker who has earned the highest level of certification in the professional speaking industry. The prestigious designation, awarded by the National Speakers Association (NSA) and recognized globally, represents excellence in speaking ability, professionalism, and business practices.

The CSP Designation: A Mark of Excellence

The CSP certification is not easily obtained. It requires a combination of extensive experience, client satisfaction, and ongoing professional development. The rigorous process ensures that those who hold the CSP title are truly at the top of their field.

Qualifications for CSP Designation

To earn the CSP, speakers must meet several criteria:

1. Experience: Deliver a minimum of 250 professional speaking engagements to audiences of various sizes over at least five years.

2. Client Satisfaction: Provide testimonials and evaluations from clients demonstrating consistent high-quality performances.

3. Income: Generate a significant portion of income from professional speaking engagements.

4. Continuing Education: Participate in ongoing professional development activities.

5. Ethical Standards: Adhere to the NSA’s Code of Professional Ethics.

6. Peer Review: Submit to a thorough review process by fellow professionals.

Benefits of Working with a CSP

Hiring a Certified Speaking Professional offers several advantages:

1. Proven Track Record: CSPs have demonstrated consistent success over an extended period.

2. Expertise: They possess in-depth knowledge in their specific areas of focus.

3. Professionalism: CSPs adhere to high standards of business practice and ethics.

4. Adaptability: They have experience speaking to diverse audiences in various settings.

5. Reliability: The certification provides assurance of quality and dependability.

Areas of Specialization

CSPs cover a wide range of topics and industries, including:

– Leadership and Management
– Motivation and Inspiration
– Business Strategy and Innovation
– Personal Development
– Sales and Marketing
– Technology and Future Trends
– Health and Wellness

The CSP in the Speaking Industry

The CSP designation sets speakers apart in a competitive industry. It signifies:

1. Commitment to Excellence: CSPs are dedicated to continuous improvement in their craft.

2. Industry Recognition: The certification is respected globally within the speaking profession.

3. Client Confidence: Organizations can trust in the quality and professionalism of a CSP.

4. Peer Respect: Fellow speakers recognize the achievement and expertise of CSPs.

Maintaining the CSP Status

Once earned, the CSP designation is not permanent. Speakers must recertify every five years, demonstrating continued professional growth and adherence to industry standards.

Global Recognition

While originated by the NSA in the United States, the CSP designation is recognized by speaker associations worldwide, making it a truly global certification.

The Certified Speaking Professional designation represents the pinnacle of achievement in the speaking industry. For organizations seeking top-tier speakers, the CSP credential offers assurance of quality, expertise, and professionalism. For speakers, it represents a commitment to excellence and a distinguished level of accomplishment in their chosen profession. As the speaking industry continues to evolve, the CSP remains a benchmark of excellence, driving standards higher and ensuring that audiences receive exceptional value from these elite professionals.