Like corporate culture keynote speakers are prone to point out, everything in business starts with mission and values. As much as topics like creativity, innovation, and new workforce trends hog headlines, your ability to successfully leverage all depends on your workforce’s capacity to learn, adapt, and champion these concepts. So while we’re often brought in to serve as corporate culture keynote speakers and business consultants, the truth is that much of the change and culture shift that needs to happen in an organization starts at the top, with C-level and senior management. In our latest recap of recent market research, we break down how you can position your organization for growth and success.
Topic: 5 Ways to Become a More Inclusive Leader
Scenario: Diversity of opinion, background, and experience is vital to success in business, which means that executives need to surround themselves not with others whose skills overlap, but rather differ, and can complement them where their insights or skills are lacking. It’s important to promote inclusivity at every turn, especially if you want to attract and retain good people.
Insight: In addition to seeking out diverse and inclusive teams, you have to create safe spaces in which employees feel empowered to speak up and take action, and provide them with processes and platforms that help their ideas filter throughout the organization and rapidly be translated into positive change. Likewise, leadership is now a shared responsibility, and you have to encourage leaders to thrive in every corner of the business, no matter their job title.
Topic: 5 Ways to Be Braver and More Successful in Business
Scenario: The only thing holding most working professionals back from succeeding is fear and a lack of willingness to take risks. Learning to overcome these fears and take more (albeit smarter) risks is actually the secret to success though.
Insight: Courage is a skill you can cultivate, and your capacity for it grows stronger the more you exercise it. In tough times like these, business leaders should be doubling down and taking more risks, not fewer (risky is the new safe), as the odds of finding success with any strategy are fewer, and it’s more important to be quick to learn and adapt.
Topic: How to Save Your Company from Toxic Employees
Scenario: Tough times are at hand, and employee morale may be waning, putting many executives in the position where they need to address negativity in the organization – luckily, there are ways to do this without causing huge amounts of friction.
Insight: By taking a hard look at company culture (whether with the help of corporate culture keynote speakers or not) and the way you communicate, promoting frank and open conversations, limiting negative employees’ influences, staying alert for toxic behaviors, promoting camaraderie and employee recognition, etc. there are ways to more effectively turn negative situations around and limit their impact on your business.