Today’s leading experts on energy, renewables and solar power think about big-picture solutions for the global power and utilities landscape. Influencers, KOLs and consultant leaders assist organizations and policymakers as agencies transition to a sustainable  future. We quiz experts on energy on what’s keeping organizations up at night.

1. The Accelerating Shift to Renewable Energy Sources
Keynote speakers point to the rapid growth of renewable energy, particularly solar and wind power. Futurists remind about the falling costs of renewable technologies, improvements in energy storage, and the increasing competitiveness of renewables compared to fossil fuels. Also top thought leaders provide strategies for grid integration, overcoming intermittency challenges, and scaling up renewable infrastructure. And leading experts on energy ecplore the potential of emerging technologies like floating solar farms and next-generation wind turbines.

2. Energy Storage Breakthroughs and Grid Resilience
There’s a growing focus on energy storage solutions as a top enabler of renewable energy adoption. And so experts on energy weigh advances in battery technology, including solid-state batteries and flow batteries, as well as alternative storage methods like pumped hydro and hydrogen. That means considering how improved storage can enhance grid stability, enable microgrids, and facilitate the electrification of transportation. Consulting firms are helping organizations and governments develop strategies for integrating storage into their energy systems.

3. The Rise of Distributed Energy Resources (DERs) and Prosumers
Power and utilities thought leaders are increasingly discussing the shift towards decentralized energy systems. Famous experts on energy hit on the growth of rooftop solar, community energy projects, and the concept of prosumers – consumers who also produce energy… and contemplate virtual power plants, peer-to-peer energy trading, and the role of blockchain in energy markets. Futurists chat about regulatory frameworks and business models that can support this transition.

4. Artificial Intelligence and Digitalization in Energy Management
There’s a significant emphasis on the role of AI and digital technologies in optimizing energy systems. Keynote speakers argue that machine learning can improve demand forecasting, enhance grid management, and optimize the performance of renewable energy assets. Futurist consultants think about the potential of Internet of Things (IoT) devices in creating smart grids and enabling demand response programs… and how to leverage these technologies to increase efficiency and reduce costs.

5. The Intersection of Energy and Climate Policy
Policy consultants are increasingly focusing on the critical role of policy in driving the energy transition. That means for futurist keynote speakers items like carbon pricing, renewable energy incentives, and international climate agreements are top of mind. Also experts on energy contemplate how different policy approaches can accelerate decarbonization while ensuring energy security and affordability. They’re also addressing the social and economic impacts of the energy transition, including job creation in the renewable sector and the concept of a just transition for fossil fuel-dependent communities.

Come tomorrow, thanks to folks’ efforts, we may all enjoy a cleaner, more resilient energy system.