Ask a fleet administrator keynote speaker to explain their work, and you’d get many answers. But for those new to the space and topic entirely? Let’s begin at the beginning before we dive deeper in later posts.
Important to note up-front: As any fleet administrator keynote speaker can explain, the practice of administration here refers to the management and oversight of a company or organization’s fleet of vehicles. It involves overseeing and coordinating all the activities related to acquiring, maintaining, tracking, and disposing of transportation options.
Core job functions that fleet administrator keynote speakers identify with the role include:
- Vehicle acquisition – Researching options, procuring new and replacement vehicles through purchase or lease, and specifying equipment needs.
- Registration and licensing – Handling vehicle registration, title transfers, license plate acquisition, and renewal of registrations.
- Vehicle maintenance – Scheduling preventive maintenance, repairs, emissions inspections, etc. either internally or through vendors that fleet administrator keynote speakers work with.
- Telematics and tracking – Installing GPS and other devices to monitor driver behavior, vehicle location, mileage, etc.
- Fuel management – Managing fuel cards, monitoring mileage and fuel consumption, and finding ways to improve fuel efficiency.
- Recordkeeping – Maintaining detailed records on each vehicle, including costs, maintenance, repairs, accidents, etc. It’s an important function in fleet administrator keynote speakers’ eyes.
- Compliance – Ensuring fleet vehicles and drivers adhere to regulations like emissions, safety, oversize/overweight, hazmat, etc.
- Disposal/Remarketing – Planning timely disposal of used fleet assets through trade-in, auction, or sale to maximize residual value.
- Accident management – Overseeing accident claims, repairs, and driver reviews after any incidents.
- Policy administration – Developing and enforcing policies as fleet administrator keynote speakers and managers for vehicle use, driver qualifications, maintenance, replacement cycles, etc.
- Budgeting and cost control – Tracking all fleet expenses and looking for ways to optimize fleet costs.
Were you to poll most fleet administrator keynote speakers? You’d learn that the practice of administration covers the range of administrative, compliance, and asset management duties involved in operating a fleet of vehicles. It aims to maximize fleet effectiveness and efficiency.