Thinking like a futurist involves embracing a mindset of possibility, curiosity, and adaptability when considering what may unfold in the years and decades ahead. Here are some key principles of thinking like a futurist:
See the Present More Clearly – Futurists deeply research current trends, innovations and societal shifts. By understanding the present landscape in all its complexity, futurists discern puzzles and patterns that point to future possibilities. They question assumptions and conventional wisdom.
Connect Seemingly Disparate Dots – Futurists connect developments across diverse domains, disciplines and demographics to detect early signals of change. They synthesize perspectives from science, technology, geopolitics, business, culture and more to assemble the big picture.
Consider Multiple Scenarios – Rather than just predicting a single vision of the future, futurists develop multiple scenarios of plausible futures. They imagine future worlds based on different decisions we might make today as individuals and societies. Futurists explore alternate forks in the road.
Adopt the Beginner’s Mindset – Futurists constantly empty their cups to learn, unencumbered by preformed notions. Every day, they reapproach trends with the open, curious mindset of a child to see dynamics in different lights and question prior assumptions.
Embrace Paradoxes and Contradictions – Futurists don’t fear holding two clashing ideas as simultaneously possible. They are comfortable with paradoxes and contradictions, allowing truths to co-exist. The future may contain simultaneously more centralization and decentralization across different sectors.
Think in Multiple Time Frames – Futurists zoom in and out on different time horizons, assessing both short and long-term implications of today’s advances. How might innovations like AI impact jobs, ethics, or governance over the next 5, 10, 25, or 50 years?
Make the Abstract Concrete – Futurists render abstract innovations tangible by translating implications for real people and communities. Rather than just describing exponential technologies, futurists explore human outcomes in societies enabled by innovations.
Ground Visions with Values – Rather than forecasting inevitable futures, futurists propose preferable futures grounded in humanitarian values and inclusive participation. What kind of future aligned with equity, ethics and human dignity can we consciously create together?