Q: How can you plan a team strategy day? We’re glad you asked! Amid a fast-paced business environment, organizations must continually adapt and evolve their strategies to remain competitive. A powerful tool for aligning teams and charting a clear path forward is a team strategy day. Such a dedicated event brings together members of a specific team or department to collaboratively develop goals, objectives, and action plans that align with the organization’s overarching strategy. But planning an effective team strategy day requires careful consideration and preparation. A cheat sheet awaits you below:

  1. Define the Purpose and Objectives – Start by clearly defining the purpose and objectives of the team strategy day. Are you aiming to develop a new strategic plan, review and refine an existing one, or address specific challenges or opportunities? Establish clear goals and desired outcomes to ensure a focused and productive session.
  2. Assemble the Right Participants – Identify the main stakeholders and team members who should participate in the strategy day. Ensure that you have a diverse representation of perspectives, expertise, and roles within the team. This diversity will foster rich discussions and lead to more well-rounded strategies.
  3. Choose the Appropriate Facilitator – Consider engaging an experienced facilitator to guide the team strategy day. A skilled facilitator can ensure that the session remains structured, productive, and focused on achieving the defined objectives. And can also help manage group dynamics and encourage active participation from all attendees.
  4. Conduct Pre-Work and Information Gathering – To maximize the effectiveness of the strategy day, it’s essential to gather and distribute relevant information beforehand. This may include data on the team’s current performance, industry trends, competitor analyses, or any other pertinent information that will inform the strategic discussions.
  5. Develop an Agenda – Create a detailed agenda that outlines the activities, discussions, and exercises planned for the strategy day. Allocate sufficient time for each segment, allowing for breaks and opportunities for open dialogue. Consider incorporating interactive exercises, such as SWOT analyses, scenario planning, or brainstorming sessions, to encourage engagement and creative thinking.
  6. Secure the Necessary Resources – Ensure that you have the necessary resources in place for the strategy day, including a suitable venue, appropriate technology (e.g., projectors, whiteboards), and any required materials or supplies. Providing a comfortable and well-equipped environment will contribute to a productive and focused session.
  7. Encourage Participation and Ownership – During the strategy day, foster an environment that encourages open communication, active participation, and a sense of ownership among team members. Leverage the collective knowledge and expertise of the group to develop robust and actionable strategies.
  8. Document and Follow-Up – Capture the key discussions, decisions, and action items from the strategy day in a comprehensive document. Assign responsibilities and establish timelines for follow-up activities and implementation. Schedule regular check-ins to review progress and make any necessary adjustments to the strategies.


Through following these steps, you can plan and execute an effective team strategy day that aligns your team, fosters collaboration, and sets the stage for successful strategy development and implementation. Remember, a well-planned and facilitated strategy day can be a powerful tool for driving organizational success and achieving desired outcomes.