Industry 4.0 and beyond is upon us: Happily the best industrial products keynote speakers and futurists are beavering away at helping companies stay one step ahead of new technology trends and changes in the market. What types of assignments and projects are meeting or event planners (not to mention CEOs, CIOs, CXOs and other C-suite leaders) asking for their assistance with? Scroll down and you’ll discover more about where industrial products keynote speakers are concentrating work efforts in recent months.
- Manufacturing automation – Developing visions and insights into how new advancements like automation, robotics, and AI will transform manufacturing environments, human-machine collaboration, future of work, etc.
- New materials and applications – Forecasting potential new advanced materials like composites, smart materials, nanotechnology, biotech etc. that could impact industrial products and processes in the future.
- Sustainable manufacturing – Conceptualizing as industrial products keynote speakers how industries can adopt cleaner production, “circular economy” principles, renewable energy, etc. to reduce environmental footprints.
- Smart factories – Envisioning connected, data-driven, agile future factory ecosystems powered by IoT, analytics, cloud computing etc.
- Supply chain innovations – Reimagining optimized, resilient, transparent future supply chain networks leveraging technologies like blockchain, predictive analytics etc.
- Human augmentation – As industrial products keynote speakers, assessing potential for human abilities enhancement in industrial settings via wearables, exoskeletons, VR/AR, genetics etc.
- Policy and societal impact – Analyzing technology’s larger economic, workforce, infrastructure, geopolitical implications to inform policy-makers.
- New business models – Noodling through potential emerging business models, partnerships, platforms, services and revenue streams that industrial products keynote speakers believe will be enabled by technology.
- Cloud and online scouting – Tracking emerging technologies and startups worldwide with potential to disrupt established industries.
- Design fiction – Speculating future worldscapes as imagination springboards to stretch thinking beyond near-term roadmaps.
Industrial enterprises and policy institutions need to be strategically positioned for technological changes over 5-10 year horizons. The best industrial products keynote speakers utilize forecasting methods like scenario planning, Delphi surveys, simulations and prototypes to help visualize plausible futures, and/or drawn on unique experience and learnings to present workable strategies here.