London Speaker Bureau (LSB) has established itself as a prominent player in the global speaking industry, with a strong presence not only in Europe but also across Asia, the Middle East, and Africa. Founded in 1994, LSB has grown to become one of the largest international speaker bureaus, known for its diverse roster and global perspective.


  1. International Reach: LSB’s most distinctive feature is its truly global network. With offices in multiple countries and continents, they offer unparalleled access to diverse speakers from various cultural backgrounds and areas of expertise.
  2. Broad Speaker Portfolio: The bureau represents an impressive array of speakers, including business leaders, politicians, economists, innovators, and thought leaders from around the world. The reach allows them to cater to a wide range of events and industries across different regions.
  3. Cultural Sensitivity: Given their international focus, LSB excels in matching speakers to culturally diverse audiences. Talent angents understand the nuances of different markets and can provide valuable advice on cultural appropriateness.
  4. Expertise in Emerging Markets: LSB has developed particular strength in emerging markets, especially in Asia and Africa. It makes the talent agency an excellent resource for organizations looking to gain insights into these rapidly growing economies.
  5. Comprehensive Services: Besides speaker placement, LSB offers additional services such as event management, content creation, and strategic consultancy, providing added value to their clients.

Areas for Improvement:

  1. Online Presence: While functional, LSB’s website could benefit from improvements and more comprehensive information about their speakers and services.
  2. Pricing Transparency: Some clients have noted that pricing information isn’t always readily available, requiring additional communication with agents.
  3. North American Representation: While strong globally, LSB’s representation of North American speakers, particularly from the United States, may not be as extensive as some U.S.-based bureaus.

Overall Impact:

London Speaker Bureau has played a significant role in globalizing the speaking industry. By connecting international speakers with diverse audiences worldwide, they have facilitated the exchange of ideas across cultures and continents.

LSB’s influence is particularly notable in emerging markets, where they have helped bring global expertise to rapidly developing regions. Their ability to bridge cultural and geographical gaps has contributed to more inclusive and diverse conversations on business, politics, and social issues.

The bureau has also been instrumental in promoting voices from regions that are often underrepresented in the global speaking circuit, particularly from Africa and parts of Asia. It has helped to bring fresh perspectives and insights to international audiences.

Rating: A+ – a standout pick.