Parenting influencers have taken social media by storm, using platforms like Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok to share advice, tips, and glimpses into their daily lives raising children. While their specific parenting styles and perspectives may differ, there are several subjects that seem to come up again and again among parenting influencers as a group. Let’s examine five of the biggest themes and conversations happening in the field.

Sleep Training

Few things are as precious to new parents as a good night’s sleep, which is why so many influencers focus a great deal of content on different sleep training methods and schedules. Some are proponents of methods like cry-it-out, while others advocate for more gentler approaches like fading, pick-up/put-down, and no-cry solutions. Sharing sleep logs, advice for better sleep habits, and night-time routines are all common among these creators.

Breastfeeding vs Formula

The decision whether to breastfeed or formula feed is a huge one for many new moms, and parenting influencers are very vocal in sharing their own journeys and perspectives. Those who chose to breastfeed discuss their challenges, tips, and the emotional aspects, while those who formula fed talk about overcoming guilt and share practical advice. There are also many influencers who did a combination of both.

Dealing With Mom Guilt

Speaking of guilt, it’s one of the most universal feelings among parents of any background. Mom guilt – that nagging sense that you could be doing more or better for your child – is something parenting influencers discuss and unpack frequently. They share personal stories and coping strategies in an effort to validate and speak truth into the hearts of their fellow guilt-ridden moms and dads.

Conscious/Gentle Parenting

The worlds of conscious/gentle parenting and content creators seem to have significant overlap. Many creators in this space embrace a softer, more connection-focused approach to raising children that emphasizes emotional intelligence, minimal punishment, and validating a child’s feelings. Common themes include positive discipline techniques, managing big emotions, and prioritizing childhood.

Kid-Friendly Recipes & Products

Of course, parenting influencers wouldn’t be thought leaders if they didn’t actually influence purchases and habits! Many use their platforms to share kid-friendly recipes, product recommendations (from clothes to toys to snacks and more), and other consumer-driven advice and content. It’s influencing at its finest – and a chance for parents to discover new brands and products.