Your typical top prior art expert witness testimony advisor is a testifying trial consultant that offers thought leadership commentary in patent litigation and intellectual property disputes. SME expertise helps courts understand the historical development and existing technological world that prior art expert witness KOLs cover.

For instance, if you’re talking about AI assistants, advisors could analyze the evolution of natural language processing (NLP) technologies. The best prior art expert witnesses would trace the development of language models, parsing algorithms, and dialogue systems that predate current AI assistants. A historical perspective helps courts determine whether claimed innovations are truly novel or represent natural progressions of existing technology. Celebrated prior art expert witnesses typically reference academic papers, research projects, and early commercial implementations to establish the state of NLP technology at specific points in time.

Also on the topic a consultant could examine existing patents and technical publications related to AI assistant functionalities. Respected prior art expert witness authorities review academic literature, patent databases, and technical documentation to identify similar or overlapping technologies that may constitute prior art. That means analyzing not just obvious competitors but also research projects, open-source implementations, and adjacent technologies that may have implemented similar features or methods.

Folks could be seen evaluating the implementation methods of AI assistant features and analyzing how specific functionalities were achieved in earlier systems, comparing technical approaches to determine whether newer implementations represent genuine innovation or simply apply known methods in familiar ways. Sticking with the prior art expert witness example, we’re talking examining source code, system architectures, and technical specifications to identify similarities and differences in implementation approaches.

Folks too would examine the commercial landscape and publicly available products that preceded current AI assistants. And document features, capabilities, and technical implementations of earlier virtual assistants, chatbots, and automated response systems. Analysis helps establish what was already available in the marketplace and whether claimed innovations were obvious extensions of existing commercial products.

And again using the above example, prior art expert witnesses analyze the timing and public disclosure of relevant technologies. Leaders investigate when specific features or methods became publicly known or commercially available, helping courts determine priority dates and validity of patent claims. That includes examining product launches, technical presentations, academic publications, and other public disclosures that might affect the novelty assessment of claimed innovations.