Strategic thinking courses online and digital classes and programs are a must-have. Better still, the digital revolution has made strategy planning and foresight education more accessible than ever, with a wide variety of online training options and the best strategic thinking courses online catering to different needs and skill levels. We offer a few options for you to consider.

  1. Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs): Platforms like Coursera, edX, and FutureLearn offer strategic thinking courses from renowned universities and business schools. Classes and training programs cover foundational concepts and can be audited for free or completed for a certificate at a modest cost. Sessions typically include video lectures, quizzes, and peer-reviewed assignments.
  2. Executive Education Programs: Lots of top business schools offer online versions of their executive education programs focused on strategy. Top strategic thinking courses online are more intensive and expensive but provide high-quality instruction and often include live sessions with faculty and networking opportunities with other executives.
  3. Corporate Training Platforms: Services like LinkedIn Learning, Udemy for Business, and Skillsoft offer a range of options designed for corporate environments. Providers allow companies to provide training to their employees at scale.
  4. Specialized Strategy Consulting Firm Courses: Leading strategy consulting firms like McKinsey, Boston Consulting Group, and Bain & Company offer strategic thinking courses online that teach their proprietary strategy planning frameworks and methodologies.
  5. Industry-Specific Strategic Thinking Courses: Some online classes focus on applying strategic thinking to specific industries such as healthcare, technology, or finance. These are often offered by industry associations or specialized training providers.
  6. Creative Problem-Solving and Innovation Courses: While not exclusively focused on strategic thinking, offerings teach valuable complementary skills. Services like IDEO U offer online courses in design thinking and innovation strategy.
  7. Data-Driven Strategy Courses: With the growing importance of big data, strategic thinking courses online also focus on using data analytics for decision-making. Programs provide training in data visualization tools and statistical analysis.
  8. Scenario Planning and Foresight Courses: Specialized courses in strategic foresight and scenario planning are available from futurist organizations and some business schools. All teach methods for anticipating and preparing for various possible futures.
  9. Gamified Learning Experiences: Myriad innovative platforms offer strategic thinking courses and training through business simulations and strategy games. Firms provide interactive, engaging ways to practice strategic decision-making in risk-free environments.
  10. Micro-learning Platforms: Apps and platforms offering bite-sized learning experiences have emerged, delivering strategic thinking concepts in short, easily digestible formats. Offerings are designed for busy professionals who want to learn on-the-go.
  11. Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) Courses: While still emerging, some organizations are experimenting with VR and AR technologies to create immersive training experiences.

The best strategic thinking courses online depend on individual needs, learning style, and career goals. Many learners find a combination of different course types most effective. When choosing a virtual program, consider factors such as the course provider’s reputation, the relevance of the curriculum to your industry or role, the level of interactivity, and opportunities for practical application of the concepts learned.

All offer opportunities for professionals at all levels to enhance their strategic thinking capabilities and drive organizational success.