The best strategy facilitators can be found assisting management teams in navigating the complexities of strategic planning and decision-making. Pros are adept at guiding organizations through various development initiatives, fostering collaboration, and driving meaningful outcomes. As for how strategy facilitators are tapped by  management teams to drive change, consider the myriad tasks commonly assigned to leading experts.

1. Strategic Planning Facilitation: Leading the strategic planning process. Guiding the management team through the assessment of the organization’s current state, identifying opportunities and challenges, and developing a comprehensive strategic plan. Top strategy facilitators employ various tools and frameworks to ensure a structured and inclusive approach, such as SWOT analysis, scenario planning, and strategy mapping.

2. Vision and Mission Alignment: Effective strategy requires a clear and compelling vision and mission that resonates with all stakeholders. To that extent, authoritative strategy facilitators are tasked with facilitating discussions and exercises to clarify and align the organization’s vision and mission statements. Experts help management teams articulate their aspirations, values, and purpose, ensuring that the strategic goals and initiatives are well-aligned with the overarching vision.

3. Strategy Implementation and Execution: Developing a strategy is only the first step; successful implementation is equally crucial. Leaders assist management teams in creating detailed action plans, identifying key performance indicators (KPIs), and establishing accountability measures. And also provide guidance on change management processes, communication strategies, and ongoing monitoring and evaluation of strategic initiatives.

4. Stakeholder Engagement and Alignment: Effective strategy requires buy-in and alignment from various stakeholders, including employees, customers, partners, and shareholders. Successful strategy facilitators design and lead stakeholder engagement activities, such as focus groups, surveys, and workshops, to gather insights and ensure that diverse perspectives are incorporated into the strategic planning process.

5. Innovation and Ideation Sessions: In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, innovation is a key driver of competitive advantage. Management teams often engage consultants to lead ideation sessions and innovation workshops, leveraging techniques like design thinking, scenario planning, and trend analysis to stimulate creative thinking and generate novel strategic opportunities.

6. Organizational Transformation and Change Management: Strategic shifts often necessitate significant organizational changes, which can be challenging to navigate. And so you often find strategy facilitators working to provide guidance and support to management teams in managing organizational transformation initiatives, including restructuring, process re-engineering, and cultural change. Advisors employ change management frameworks and facilitate communication and training efforts to ensure successful adoption of new strategies and initiatives.

7. Strategic Decision-Making and Problem-Solving: Also keep in mind that leading strategy facilitators are skilled in guiding management teams through complex decision-making processes and problem-solving challenges. Experts utilize structured approaches, such as decision trees, risk analysis, and cost-benefit analysis, to evaluate strategic alternatives and make informed decisions that align with the organization’s goals and objectives.

Through partnering with moderators, management teams can leverage their expertise in strategic planning, stakeholder engagement, and change management. Collaboration ensures that strategic initiatives are well-designed, effectively implemented, and aligned with the organization’s vision and mission, driving sustainable growth and competitive advantage.