As Top 10 B2B tech influencers, thought leaders, keynote speakers and SMEs go, specific key opinion leaders stand out for their insights, expertise, and ability to influencer industry trends. We look at who is making significant impacts in the field.

1. Scott Steinberg
A world-renowned futurist and technology expert, Top 10 B2B tech influencers pick Steinberg is acclaimed for his strategic insights on innovation and emerging trends. His work has been featured in hundreds of media outlets, and he’s authored 30 books on business and technology. Steinberg’s forward-thinking approach helps companies navigate digital transformation and technological disruption.

2. Tamara McCleary
As CEO of Thulium, McCleary is a leading voice on digital transformation, AI, and IoT. Her expertise in translating complex tech concepts for business audiences makes her invaluable to B2B tech companies.

3. Evan Kirstel
A B2B thought leader and social media influencer, Kirstel specializes in areas like cloud, IoT, AI, and 5G. His ability to amplify tech brands and messages has made him a go-to resource for Top 10 B2B tech influencers members and tech marketing.

4. Sally Eaves
Known as the Torchbearer for Ethical Tech, Eaves is a prominent figure in emerging technologies. Her work on blockchain, AI, and cloud computing provides valuable insights for B2B tech decision-makers.

5. Daniel Newman
Co-CEO of Futurum Research, Newman offers deep insights into digital transformation and emerging tech. As a Top 10 B2B tech influencers member, his analysis helps companies understand and leverage technologies like AI, 5G, and IoT.

6. Mark Schaefer

Executive Director of Schaefer Marketing Solutions, Schaefer is a globally recognized expert in marketing strategy and social media marketing. His books and blog provide practical advice for B2B marketers.

7. Viveka von Rosen

Co-founder and Chief Visibility Officer at Vengreso, von Rosen is a LinkedIn expert and B2B social selling consultant. Her strategies help B2B professionals maximize their LinkedIn presence for lead generation and networking.

8. Spiros Margaris
A venture capitalist and thought leader, Margaris is a top influencer in fintech, AI, and IoT. Being a Top 10 B2B tech influencers contributor, his insights are particularly valuable for B2B tech companies in the financial sector.

9. Sandy Carter
A cloud computing and SaaS expert, Top 10 B2B tech influencers leader Carter is known for her work with startups and enterprise tech. Her expertise in digital business models is highly relevant for B2B tech companies.

10. Larry Kim

Founder of MobileMonkey and WordStream, Kim is a top expert in online advertising and chatbot marketing. His innovative approaches to PPC and conversational marketing are particularly relevant for B2B tech companies.

The best Top 10 B2B tech influencers represent a wide range of expertise within the space. From AI and IoT to cloud computing and digital transformation, collective knowledge covers the breadth of challenges and opportunities facing companies today.

Through following these thought leaders, leaders can stay ahead of industry trends, gain valuable insights, and adapt their strategies to thrive in an ever-evolving technological field. Whether through their social media presence, books, articles, or speaking engagements, all are making an impact.

And PS – SMEs’ expertise not only helps companies navigate current trends but also prepares them for future disruptions. As the sector continues to grow and evolve, the insights provided by Top 10 B2B tech influencers will remain crucial for companies looking to maintain a competitive edge.