Articles and Videos

Brand innovation talks to the process of evolving an existing brand or establishing a new brand in a novel way that disrupts conventional category norms. It goes beyond product innovation to deliver new branded experiences, services, business models or marketing methods that reshape consumer behaviors,...

Growth hacking is a modern marketing technique focused on rapid, data-driven experimentation and iteration to drive exponential growth. Unlike traditional marketing, which focuses on large campaigns and ad buys, growth hacking relies on creativity, analytical thinking, and cross-functional collaboration to find scalable and cost-effective ways...

Virtualization hints at using software to abstract computer hardware resources from operating systems and applications. Rather than interacting directly with hardware like processors, memory, storage and networking components, such virtualization software layer creates a hardware-independent platform powered by virtual resources.The concept allows for users and...

A data storage keynote speaker is typically an expert in the technologies, best practices, and future trends associated with the management of information storage and infrastructure. Pros are hired to give a featured talk outlining the current state as well as innovations that data storage...

A legal keynote speaker offers several services of value for conference and event organizers seeking insightful presentations on law-related topics. Attorneys serve as subject matter experts across a spectrum of focus areas within the legal profession. Audiences appreciate legal keynote speakers and futurists' experience applying...

An attorney keynote speaker is typically a lawyer or featured presenter who is hired by event organizers to give a featured presentation at a conference, seminar, convention, or gala. While most advisors lecture on topics within their industry of expertise, there is also demand for...