Articles and Videos

Biometrics are unique physical or behavioral characteristics used to digitally identify individuals and authenticate their access to systems or services. As identifiers, biometrics are more reliable than passwords or tokens which can be forgotten, stolen or duplicated.Standard variety and typical biometric modalities are...

Brain-computer interfaces (BCI) speak to a direct communication pathway between the human brain and an external device, enabled by neurotechnology. Technology solutions decode neural activity to convert human intent into digital commands eliminating the need for physical interfaces.The pioneering vision of BCIs is allowing people...

Smart cars are automobiles featuring integrated connectivity and advanced electronics to enhance safety, efficiency, comfort and driving experience. They utilize sensors, processors, software and internet connectivity to deliver intelligent, context-aware capabilities well beyond traditional vehicles.To put it in plain English, smart vehicles can monitor their...

Alternative fuels speak to non-petroleum-based energy sources used to power vehicles that serve as substitutes for conventional gasoline and diesel. Adopting alternative fuels reduces dependence on crude oil imports while lowering harmful emissions.A variety of different types to consider follow.Ethanol: Made by fermenting and distilling...

Electric vehicles (EVs) are automobiles that are powered by electric motors instead of internal combustion engines that burn fossil fuels. They utilize stored electricity to run the motor rather than relying solely on petroleum-based fuels like diesel or gasoline.The field's leading EV designs can vary...

Data mining hints at the process of analyzing large sets of data to discover patterns, relationships and insights that would be difficult to detect otherwise. By applying sophisticated algorithms and statistical models on big data, key information can be extracted to inform everything from business...