Articles and Videos

Ask top futurists in 2022 and 2023, and they’ll note: As the best keynote speakers and trends experts for meetings, events, and virtual presentations should be reminding you, tomorrow’s business world demands more innovative business strategies and solutions – and technology to match. In effect,...

Take it from a cybersecurity keynote speaker: The use of ransomware skyrocketed throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, and criminals are increasingly teaming up and working together to deliver more coordinated and sophisticated attacks. As if that's not intimidating enough: At the same time, threat actors are...

Take a tip from your favorite futurist speakers and friends at management consulting firm FutureProof Strategies: While the past couple years have been times of great change and upheaval, change can also be a powerful catalyst for growth and innovation.  Entrepreneurialism is still thriving. Technology...

Which future trends should be on your radar in 2022, 2023, and beyond? In part three of our consulting futurist's guide to tomorrow's hottest developments, we take a closer look at topics like data privacy, data science, and healthcare. Here are several topics that are...

What trends are futurists speakers keeping in mind lately as they think through the future of work, HR, workforce trends, and other topics? You may be surprised: It's no so much a time of metaverse upgrades or NFT plays as it is one of practical...

Happy New Year! As futurist keynote speakers and strategic advisers to over 1000 brands, we’re often asked: Which trends will define the year ahead? It’s a fine question to ask, as from NFTs to AR and cloud-native platforms to advanced biometrics (and a metaverse full...