Articles and Videos

Where's the future of hospitality headed? Hotel technology keynote speakers know, and often spread the word when experts opine on:Emerging technologies and innovations in the hospitality industry - The best hotel technology keynote speakers talk about new platforms, apps, devices, automation, AI, VR/AR, etc. that...

Look closely, and it's clear that teaching keynote speakers are typically given the following types of tasks, especially when thinking about the future of education, learning, colleges, university-level courses, school administration, etc.Developing the theme and focus of the keynote - Topteaching keynote speakers work with...

ETF keynote speakers and exchange-traded fund experts, many of whom also serve as finance futurists and financial services consultants, are generally leveraged by meeting planners to expound about:Business growth - Advisors discuss the rapid growth of ETFs, increased adoption by investors, and future outlook.New launches...