Articles and Videos

Education speakers bureaus offer a wide roster of keynote, breakout and futurist training workshop experts who specialize in various aspects of teaching, learning, and educational leadership. For discussion's sake, we thought it made sense to provider a comprehensive breakdown of popular education speakers bureaus categories:Educational...

Top university speakers for college, student and teacher keynotes suggest that as higher education adapts to rapid global changes, presenters are now focusing on themes that address both immediate challenges and future opportunities. Thinking about what will dominate college speaking circuits, we get a better...

The traditional model of university guest speakers delivering one-way lectures to passive college, student and teachers audiences is rapidly transforming. Today's speaking engagements are becoming more dynamic, interactive, and technology-enhanced, mirror changing student expectations and learning preferences that university guest speakers must tackle.Keynote PresentationsModern keynotes...

New York City satellite media tours companies (SMT producers), spokespersons and TV/radio hosts operating in NYC and offering co-op tour options attract a broad range of partners in terms of companies seeking to maximize broadcast exposure through back-to-back broadcast interviews. The city's status as a...