Articles and Videos

As online shopping continues to gain popularity, brick-and-mortar retailers are looking for ways to differentiate themselves and provide a unique in-store experience. Like I often tell keynote speaking audiences, the future of customer experience is therefore being shaped by several social, economic, and technological trends.Gaining...

Intelligent solutions are redefining how we interact with the world. Driven by advancements in artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, and data analytics, these technologies are poised to upend and fundamentally remake entire industries and applications across the globe. So I figured that we might take...

Amid a flurry of other high-tech advancements, central processing units (CPUs) and computer processors are undergoing massive transformations. These upgrades are paving the way for more efficient, powerful, and versatile processors capable of remaking entire industries and applications from artificial intelligence to quantum computing. I...

The world of computers is continually changing and evolving, and graphics cards and GPUs (Graphics Processing Units) are no exception. With constant advancements in computing power, memory capacity, and energy efficiency, new offerings promise to revolutionize various industries, including gaming, artificial intelligence, and even quantum...

Bookshops have always been important pillars of civilized nations, serving as intellectual hubs for communities, nurturing the minds of young students, and fostering a love for literature in generations of readers. With the rise of digital platforms and online retail options though, these institutions have...