Articles and Videos

As a top expert witness and industry analyst, FPS' CEO provides expert reports, research, consulting and testimony for legal matters. Celebrated as The World's Leading Business Strategist, and a #1-ranked future trends forecaster, just a few sample spaces he works in include technology, telecommunications, video...

Trade secret – while ongoing disruption and volatility will continue to keep working professionals on their toes for the foreseeable future, 2022 and 2023 are years to focus on growth, reinvention, and bouncing back. Noting this, five skills that would come in handy going forward...

If you're taking part in online or remote job interviews, how can you come across as more personable virtually or on the phone? It's a question we're commonly asked by job seekers.  The answer: Simple – stay upbeat and positive. Likewise, be empathetic and take...

Self-driving cars expert witnesses, consultants, and keynote speakers make no secret about it: Autonomous vehicles (AVs) will soon take center stage on roadways worldwide. But while these increasingly self-aware models’ feature sets continue to grow (and five years hence, we likely won’t need to manually...

Metaverse keynote speakers aren't shy about touching on the the future of cybersecurity. After all, cybersecurity is today’s fastest-growing form of criminal activity – and one every business, especially Web3 firms, needs to defend against. Thankfully, as Metaverse keynote speakers can also tell you, adopting...

Ask workforce trends experts, keynote speakers, and workplace innovation pros: Most expect that the physical workplace in 20 or 30 years will be unrecognizable. However, dig deeper, and they'd also tell you people will still be working in physical workplaces with each other. It’s as...