Articles and Videos

What makes future of oil and gas keynote speakers such popular draws at meetings and events these days? A rapid-fire range of new disruptions and industry shifts such as fast-changing geopolitical events, economic growth, technological advances, and environmental concerns, just to name a few new...

What's the future of pharmaceuticals? Keynote speakers and futurists often point out that this is a hot topic of debate. Even more so as new technologies and scientific methodologies continue to flood the proverbial zone, bringing with them a host of new trends and innovations....

As future of agriculture keynote speakers and farming futurists, we take an active interest in what tomorrow will bring for crop science and food production. Needless to say, that means we’re often taking copious notes and jotting down ideas in response to breaking updates that...

Why are future of travel keynote speakers so in demand lately? For one, the field is poised to undergo rapid transformation as we all continue to navigate through unprecedented changes and embrace emerging technologies. For two, there’s a lot happening out there in the space....

How can future of manufacturing keynote speakers and consulting futurists help you stay one step ahead of the curve? It may seem like a rhetorical question, given just how much that the field is poised for significant transformation as it adapts to evolving technologies, shifts...

Being future of restaurants keynote speakers and food and beverage futurists, take it from us: You can anticipate big changes coming to the space in the years ahead. No matter if you’re talking fast food, quick service, or fine dining, very soon, there won’t be...