Articles and Videos

Finance spokespersons, financial services keynote speakers and fintech experts have the important job of communicating complex information to various stakeholders, including investors, media, and the general public. We explore top topics that subject matter experts, key opinion leaders and influencers hit on.1. Economic Outlook: The...

A wearable technology consultant, futurist thought leader and wearables consulting services company firm agency provider would tell you that in an era where tech is becoming increasingly integrated into our daily lives, the future of personal devices is quickly advancing. SMEs, KOLs and thought leaders...

The best leadership keynote speakers for companies pack a winning blend of attributes that captivate, inspire, and drive meaningful change within organizations. Thought leaders, business thinkers and management gurus go past merely delivering a speech; subject matter experts and key opinion leaders who rank among...

IP consultants and expert witnesses both advise on intellectual property matters, but serve different functions and operate in distinct contexts. Noting the differences between the two roles is crucial for anyone involved in related issues, whether in business strategy or legal proceedings. Turning to today's...

A gadget expert, reviewer, spokesperson and influencer is a thought leader who specializes in evaluating, testing, and providing informed opinions on various technological devices and consumer electronics. Each SME, KOL and technology thinker helps consumers make informed decisions about their tech purchases as a gadget...