Articles and Videos

As you go about organizing a gathering, one of the critical decisions event planners face is selecting the appropriate speakers or presenters. While the terms "keynote speaker" and "presenter" may seem interchangeable, they actually represent distinct roles and expectations. Understanding the nuances between these two...

When it comes to organizing events, selecting the right speakers can be a crucial factor in determining its success. While the terms "keynote speaker" and "invited speaker" are often used interchangeably, there are significant differences between the two roles that event organizers should be aware...

Having a speaker bureaus list handy can be super helpful. After all, a captivating speaker can inspire, educate, and leave a lasting impression on your attendees. But they're not easy to find, as anyone who's ever tried to compile a speaker bureaus list can tell...

Keynote speaker industry trends are constantly ebbing and flowing. As businesses and organizations strive to deliver impactful and engaging experiences, they are actively seeking out presenters who can adapt to these emerging shifts. As the most prominent keynote speaker industry trends tend to go, the...

Want to book a top futurist speaker now? We don't blame you.In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, companies are facing an unprecedented rate of change and disruption. Emerging technologies, shifting consumer behaviors, and global megatrends are transforming industries at breakneck speed. Working to book a...

Futurists speakers are popular with meeting and event planners. But what do MICE industry leaders need to know about them? Following are 25 common questions that CMPs often have about the world’s top presenters and best futurists speakers:What are the key topics and themes the...