Articles and Videos

Top tech expert Canada keynote speakers, spokespersons, influencers and on camera TV hosts know that the Canadian technology landscape is evolving rapidly, and futurist thought leaders are focusing on several critical areas that will define the country's digital future. The intersection of innovation, policy, and...

Ask a luxury travel influencer, expert, keynote speaker and spokesperson about the future of hospitality, hotels, restaurants, destinations, attractions and events and you'll get an earful. That said, like marketing, advertising and branding pros note, you don't need to be among the best luxury travel...

Like top luxury travel spokesperson, influencer and keynote speaker thought leaders note, the sector is evolving rapidly, and SMEs and KOLs need to adapt messaging to reflect emerging trends and shifting consumer priorities. With so many new technology shifts and trends in the air, we...

Training seminar speakers, moderators, corporate event hosts, MCs and facilitators cover a huge range of ground as trainers for corporate meetings, conferences and convention events. In terms of what exactly keynote speakers, breakout and workshop presenters hit on, we quiz the best training seminar speakers...

Consumer trends experts, keynote speakers and futurist thought leaders (like other SMEs, KOLs and business influencers) are preparing to explore profound shifts in buyer behavior, technological integration, and market expectations. As global landscapes continue to evolve, the best consumer trends experts provide critical insights into...