Articles and Videos

According to the best keynote speakers 2024 edition report, top trends to watch in the year ahead would be:AI everywhere - Artificial intelligence will continue becoming more prevalent in business processes and operations, from customer service chatbots to inventory management and predictive analytics. Per the...

Customer advisory board keynote speakers and consulting experts make it abundantly clear that CABs are important for several key reasons:Direct Customer Feedback - CABs provide a structured way to get authentic, unfiltered feedback directly from key customers. Per the best customer advisory board keynote speakers,...

Given our services as internal meetings speakers, we've noticed that in-house programs are on the rise and growing in popularity with event planners. There are a few likely reasons why such get-togethers are becoming more popular in organizations:Increased remote/hybrid work - Like internal meetings speakers...

Working as internal meetings keynote speakers, business advisors and futurist speaking presenters, it's becoming infinitely clear to us that there are many different types of internal meetings that organizations hold:Team/Department Meetings - Regular recurring meetings for teams or departments to discuss day-to-day work, issues, plans,...