Articles and Videos

Advertising expert witness firms often argue that the practice is a crucial aspect of marketing and business operations, and disputes related to such practices frequently arise in legal proceedings. In such cases, attorneys need consulting partners. And that means having to seek out and retain...

Ask an online marketing expert witness and you’ll learn that in the digital age, advertising and promotional efforts have become a critical component of businesses' overall strategies. As a result, attorneys frequently seek out and retain the expertise of the industry’s best online marketing expert...

Top marketing expert witness consultants are aware that when it comes to legal disputes involving marketing practices, claims, or damages, attorneys require specialized expertise and opinions. And that means calling in accomplished consulting leaders. A few areas that marketing expert witness firms and providers are...

The best expert witness companies can be a law firm, lawyer or IP attorney’s best friend when legal matters necessitate the use of consultants. At the same time, not all search firms and directory providers are created equal. All things considered, we’d argue that the...

How can healthcare, insurance, and medical leaders adapt to a world of growing uncertainty and disruption – and stay one step ahead of tomorrow’s hottest new technologies and trends?In Scott Steinberg’s What’s the Future of Healthcare?™ – latest in the smash hit series of print-and-play...