Articles and Videos

Healthcare trends experts and medical futurists specialize in overhauling hospitals, treatment systems and health technology. Each looks at emerging trends, regulatory changes, and innovative strategies that will transform tomorrow's care model. Turning to famous healthcare trends experts, we explain where top advisors generally weigh in.1....

A business trends expert and keynote speaker generally wears many hats. For starters, leading futurist consultants, KOLs and influencers provide deeper looks into emerging trends, market shifts, and innovative strategies that shape the future of commerce. Per top business trends experts, we explain what consulting...

Retail trends are raising the bar when it comes to master consumer shopping behavior and online shopping technologies. Consultants shine a light into emerging trends, consumer preferences, and innovative strategies that influence the future of eCommerce. From retail trends experts and futurists' lips to our...

Marketing trends experts give time- and cash-strapped businesses the tools stay ahead in the rapidly evolving marketplace. Professional futurists and keynote speakers offer looks into emerging trends, technologies, and consumer behaviors that shape the future of advertising. From the best marketing trends expert leaders' perspective,...

Leading SMEs in project management give companies the training to successfully plan, execute, and deliver projects across various industries. Let's think about where consultants, KOLs and influencers generally lend a hand.1. Project Methodology and Framework ImplementationTop SMEs in project management help organizations select and implement...

Adverting experts and SMEs in marketing aid with B2B and B2C campaigns. From mobile to social to online and influencer efforts, leaders bring strategic guidance to organizations looking to enhance their market presence and drive growth. We look at crucial areas where SMEs in marketing...