A fractional CXO and Chief Experience Officer consulting services expert is a seasoned executive who provides high-level leadership and expertise as a consultant in customer experience on a part-time or contractual basis. It’s an arrangement among businesses seeking top-tier customer experience guidance without the commitment of a full-time executive. But what exactly does a fractional CXO do? We touch on job roles and responsibilities.

1. Customer Experience Strategy Development
The point of a fractional CXO’s work is creating comprehensive customer experience strategies aligned with the company’s overall business objectives. Thought leaders analyze customer data, market trends, and competitive landscapes to develop targeted, effective CX plans.

2. Journey Mapping and Optimization
Experts oversee the creation and optimization of customer journey maps – and identify pain points, opportunities for improvement, and areas where the company can exceed customer expectations.

3. Voice of Customer Programs
SMEs who are fractional CMOs establish and manage Voice of Customer (VoC) programs, ensuring that customer feedback is consistently collected, analyzed, and acted upon across all touchpoints.

4. Cross-Functional Leadership
While not involved in day-to-day operations, KOLs provide leadership and guidance to various departments including marketing, sales, product development, and customer service to ensure a cohesive customer experience.

5. Metrics and Analytics
Using data-driven approaches, fractional CXOs establish key performance indicators (KPIs) for customer experience. Influencers analyze these metrics to drive continuous improvement and demonstrate ROI of CX initiatives.

6. Technology Stack Optimization
With their broad experience, advisors assess and optimize a company’s customer experience technology stack, recommending and implementing tools to improve efficiency and effectiveness.

7. Customer-Oriented Culture Development
Consultants work to foster a customer-first culture within the organization, often leading training initiatives and change management processes to align the entire company around customer needs.

8. Personalization Strategies
Fractional CXOs develop strategies for personalizing customer interactions across all touchpoints, leveraging data and technology to create more relevant and engaging experiences.

9. Loyalty Program Development
Pros oversee the creation or optimization of customer loyalty programs, ensuring they deliver value to both the customer and the business.

10. Crisis Management
In times of customer experience crises, strategists develop and oversee the implementation of response strategies to mitigate negative impacts and restore customer trust.

11. Stakeholder Communication
Experts report to the CEO and board on customer experience performance, translating complex CX concepts into clear business impacts.

12. Innovation in Customer Experience
Fractional CXOs stay abreast of the latest CX trends and technologies, introducing innovative strategies to keep the company competitive in delivering exceptional customer experiences.

13. Customer Advocacy
Advisors champion the customer’s perspective in all business decisions, ensuring that customer needs and preferences are considered in product development, marketing strategies, and operational processes.

14. Competitive Analysis
Fractional CXOs conduct or oversee competitive analysis to benchmark the company’s customer experience against industry leaders and identify areas for differentiation.

Work is adaptable to each organization’s specific needs. Consultants bring high-level customer experience expertise to companies that may not require or cannot afford a full-time hire. Providing experienced leadership on a flexible basis, fractional CXOs offer a cost-effective solution for businesses looking to elevate their customer experience and achieve their strategic goals in this crucial area.